Cample Line film, Jogos Dirigidos (2019, 57mins) is available to watch online for one week – from 6pm, Sunday 18 July – 6pm, Sat 24 July.
This film features the community of Várzea Queimada, a rural community in northeast Brazil. In this community there are a high percentage of deaf people among the population of 900 inhabitants,
This is a poor community with few amenities.There is no money for a teacher to give lessons in Libras, the official Brazilian sign language and remarkably, the Várzea Queimada’s community have created their own unique sign language.
The film features 18 local men and women from the community undertaking games and exercises together. They share spontaneous stories with each other, which include expressions of belonging and exchanges about social life in the arid hinterlands and they discuss the challenges of raising and caring for children and their experiences of frequent harassment, along with their memories of lost loved ones.
After the in-house screening at @campleline on Sat 17, Glasgow-based artist, Klarissa Webster, shared a short personal response to the film in BSL. A recording of this is available to watch for all online viewers of the film, and will play once the film finishes.
Grateful thanks to local Communication Awareness Trainer Tracy Carroll for assistance in voicing Klarissa’s response during the event.
For further information and to book to watch visit:
Includes Subtitles for d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing viewers
Tickets available on a sliding scale: £0 – £5 – please pay what you feel you can reasonably afford.