Volunteer Opportunities

Do you have some free time? Would you like to meet new people, learn something new and make a difference? If so, volunteering could be for you. All training will be provided and all expenses will be paid.

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You Can Help

As a volunteer you will play a vital role in helping people across Dumfries and Galloway to manage their hearing loss and adjust to life with a hearing aid. Whether you’re cheering them up with a cuppa, fixing their hearing aids, providing advice and support, helping to raise awareness or fundraising, your contribution will mean the world to those who need it.

We offer our volunteers

  • An opportunity to meet new people
  • An opportunity to learn new skills
  • Support and supervision from staff
  • An opportunity to help your community
  • References after 6 months
  • Various training courses
  • Peer support from other volunteers
  • A warm and sociable environment
  • Social events
  • All expenses paid

On an average year we help over 4000 people manage their hearing loss thanks to the support of our volunteers

Hearing aid maintenance roles

  • Dumfries – various locations possible.
  • Lockerbie – 10am -12pm – on the first Wednesday of the month
  • Stranraer – 10am – 12 pm on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month
  • Langholm – 2pm – 4pm Third Wednesday of the month

You will be responsible for assessing the needs of our service users and carrying out any practical maintenance of their hearing aids.  You will play a vital role in helping people manage their hearing loss by providing practical and emotional support.  You will also be sharing information with clients, signposting and referring to other agencies in your local area.

Successful people in this role will be organised, sociable and able to communicate comfortably particularly with people with hearing loss and the elderly.

Full induction and appropriate training will be given for this role, with ongoing support from the Service Support Officer as we want you to feel part of the team and enjoy your experience with the group.

You will receive the satisfaction of giving back to others through their hearing aids and you will be working in an inclusive environment sharing knowledge and experiences. The role requires a person to be able to dedicate at least 4 hours a month, from home and the drop-in session.

Volunteers will support service users by:

  • Undertaking an assessment of any problems or needs the Service User is experiencing
  • Where the assessment requires the intervention of professional services; by agreement with the Service User make a referral through the appropriate procedure to their GP, NHS Audiology or Social Work. 
  • Providing advice on the use of Hearing Aids and other related Hard of Hearing matters.  This may include the provision of equipment through the Social Work Sensory Support Unit.
  • Communicating with the relevant parties in order to ensure there is sufficient stock available locally.

Where practical assistance can be provided:

  • Check and change batteries when appropriate
  • Re-tube and clean hearing aid where required
  • Replace the hearing aid hook where required
  • Clean through slim fit tubes where required

We are seeking people who:

  • Are caring and considerate
  • Willing to undertake training
  • Enjoy meeting new people
  • Reliable and trustworthy
  • Willing to follow the policies and procedures of the DGHHG

  • Some of our more experienced volunteers then go on to visit people in their own home and/or visit Care Homes and maintain the hearing aids of the residents there. 

Our aim is to provide support and relief to those in need by reason of being hard of hearing, do you think you are the person for this role? If so, we would love to hear from you.

You can download an volunteer application form here to allow you to apply right away to be a hearing aid maintenance volunteer.

You can also call us on 07896 342878 or email officedghhg@gmail.com to find out more about volunteering roles and to ask for an application for to be emailed or posted to you.

Member of the Board of Trustees Opportunities

To represent the wider community interest and enable the organisation to deliver its objectives for the organisation’s users, staff, volunteers and funders.

  • Approve the organisation’s mission statement and review the organisation’s performance in achieving it.
  • Annually assess the changing environment and approve the organisation’s one-year operational plan.
  • Annually review and approve the organisation’s three-year strategy.
  • Review and approve the organisation’s three-year financial goals.
  • Annually review and approve the organisation’s budget.
  • Approve major policies.
  • Be assured that management succession is being properly provided.
  • Be assured that the organisational strength and staffing is equal to the requirements of the long-range goals.
  • Approve appropriate salaries, terms and conditions of service for all staff.
  • Put forward names of prospective members of the Board of Trustees and fill vacancies as needed.
  • Annually approve the performance of the Board of Trustees and take steps (including composition, organisation and responsibilities) to improve its performance.
  • Review the results achieved by the staff and volunteer team in relation to the organisation’s aims and objectives, annual and long-range goals and the performance of similar projects.
  • Be certain that the financial structure of the organisation is adequate for its current needs and its long-range strategy.
  • Provide candid and constructive criticism, advice, comments and praise.
  • Approve major actions of the organisation, such as capital expenditure on all items over authorised limits and major changes in activities and services.
  • Be assured that the Board of Trustees is adequately and currently informed – through reports and other methods – of the condition of the organisation and its operations.
  • Be assured that published reports adequately reflect the nature of the services and the financial condition of the organisation.
  • Appoint independent auditors subject to approval by members.
  • Review the compliance with relevant laws affecting the organisation.

Please email officedghhg@gmail.com to request an application form or for more information.

Our current volunteers say

“I love the job and seeing people smile when I have helped in some way!”

“I thoroughly enjoy my time with the group and look forward to continuing with them”

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