Contact Us

If you or a family member are living with a hearing loss and you need further information on the services we provide, please get in touch.

Phone or text us:

07896 342 878

Write to us:

Dumfries & Galloway Hard of Hearing Group

North West Resource Centre

College Road



Sending us Feedback

If you would like to send us Feedback regarding our services, staff or volunteers, then please get in touch. Please make sure to provide us with your name and contact details so we can respond if so required.

Should you have a complaint, please be assured we take all complaints very seriously and we will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and will endeavour to provide resolution within 21 days (should this not be possible we will keep you informed of progress).

Contact Form

Donate | Dumfries and Galloway Hard of Hearing Group Donate | Dumfries and Galloway Hard of Hearing Group Donate | Dumfries and Galloway Hard of Hearing Group


As a charity we rely on donations to help us to continue to run our services. Any donation you can provide will help us to continue to deliver our clinics, visit Care Homes and undertake Home Visits to our most vulnerable service users. You can help us to keep Dumfries and Galloway Hearing.

We have 60 volunteers and one full time staff member and one part time staff member. In 2018 we helped 4579 service users and maintained 7816 hearing aids.


We are often in need of more volunteers to be trained to provide care and maintenance of hearing aids, perform meet and greet functions at clinics or help out with admin tasks in the office. Please follow the link to see what we currently offer.

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